The affairs of the Institute are vested in the Council which is headed by a President and Chairman of Council who serves a maximum of two years in office. The Council is the policy making body of the Institute while the management team headed by a Registrar/Chief Executive is the implementation arm. The present Council is headed by Commodore Abimbola Olaribigbe Ayuba, FNIM,and has Mrs. Taiwo Ganiyat Olusesi, MNIM, as the Registrar/Chief Executive and Secretary to Council.

Past President (1970 – 1976)

Past President(1997 – 1999)

Past President(2009 – 2011)

Past President(2013 – 2015)

Past President(2015 – 2017)

. Past President(2017 – 2019)

Past President ( 2019- 2021)

Elected Member

Elected Member

Elected Member

Co-opted Member

North-East Zonal Chairman

North-West Zonal Chairman

South-South Zonal Chairman

North-Central Zonal Chairman

South-West Zonal Chairman

South-East Zonal Chairman